Sunday, December 2, 2012

Murder and Mischief in the Hamptons

    Murder and Mischief in the Hamptons is now available on Smashwords. It should become available at B&N in time for Christmas. There is still a delay with Amazon picking up my books, their site is not large enough to carry the selection that B&N does. They are working to improve and enlarge their site (which I think is a good idea given that they carry and promote their own e-reader...), and hope to have it done soon. Apple has also fallen behind and has not picked up either of the Hamptons books (disappointing), and I'm hoping they'll pick them up soon. Not sure what the delay there is. Meanwhile, you can purchase both books (both FREE!!) from Smashwords for any e-reader, or from B&N.

Be advised, "Murder and Mischief in the Hamptons," is the second book in the series, so if you have not read, Living and Dying in the Hamptons, you will want to read that one first. I have felt exceptionally blessed by the reception of this first book in the series (great reviews), and it helped to make the decision to continue the series that much easier. I fell in love with these characters instantly, and I have to say, writing the Hamptons books has felt much less like work and a lot more like play. I hope you all enjoy them both! I am currently hard at work (play) on the third book, and I am already completely in love with it.
     The last thing I want to mention is the dedication of this book. All my books and short stories have had some sort of dedication linked to them, and there's always been a good reason. Murder and Mischief is no different. I dedicated this book to 'my biggest fan,' but in essence it is dedicated to all of them. It brings tears to my eyes when someone reads and enjoys something I've written. When they tell me they like something, be it through reviews, e-mails, private messages, or even sometimes in person, it's everything I can do to contain myself and not spin cartwheels across the room. (Which at my age is not advisable anyway.) Thank you all for your support and encouragement, it means more to me than I can ever say!

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